Technology Screening (free web app)
A simple tool to help understand which mine water treatment technologies might apply to a combination of site-specific choices for a given contaminant. There are 8 simple multiple choice questions in total. Each suggestion is reported with site- and contaminant-specific considerations. Currently in version1 release, with more features coming soon.
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What technologies are considered in mScout v1?
If you have a technology you want included, please contact us!
How does mScout work?
Modelling & Feasibility - Contact us for consulting applications!
We developed the mGuide modelling and simulation software with a focus on semi-passive and biological treatment of mining and industrial waters. Enabling large-scale modelling and predictions for feasibility assessments and development of adaptive management strategies is a game changer for water treatment systems such as constructed wetlands, semi-passive bioreactors, and in situ applications. Data inputs to mGuide can include historical or predicted water chemistry and site-specific context.
mGuide provides water treatment technology recommendations including:
potential amendments
opportunity & risk analyses
sizing estimates
outflow concentrations
aiding & inhibiting constituents